Monday, August 27, 2012

Too Much Preseason NFL On My TV

Well, NFL fans are you tired of football yet? 

Enjoy watching this guy while you can!
I had someone say to me recently that they were already fatigued with NFL coverage this year. My response to them was that the season hadn’t even started yet, but I knew why they were tired of the game already. It’s because they’ve had meaningless preseason football games, and a lot of them at that, already shoved down their throat. 

Sports media overdoes football coverage, which is very obvious to people who consider something other than the sport of football to be their favorite, but it’s almost as if it’s starting to become ludicrous, ESPN, after all, did air multiple high school games over the last weekend. There has been at least one, many times more, preseason NFL games on a major television network almost every day since the preseason started. This greatly outnumbers the type of preseason programming shown for other sports and frankly almost exceeds the amount of regular season games you see broadcast of certain sports on these same networks. 

I know that football is so much more popular than the next most popular sport in this country, but I don’t understand the asininity of broadcasting, watching and talking about all of these meaningless games. Do you really care that much about who’s going to win the third-string quarterback gig for the Dallas Cowboys or seeing players that won’t play two downs all season long show their stuff for an entire half? 

You won't be seeing this guy play either!

I’m a football fan, though it might not sound like it from this admitted rant, but part of the reason why preseason football coverage bothers me so much is that I feel late season baseball division races get shafted by networks, specifically ESPN, for stuff that doesn’t mean anything as soon as the NFL regular season begins. I understand that you’re excited about a new football season, believe it or not, I am too, but by networks airing so much preseason football and by you watching so much preseason football all you’re really doing is spoiling the appeal and excitement of that first game of the regular season.           

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