Monday, February 6, 2012

Vet Blaney Screwed in Favor of New "Golden Girl" Patrick

Last week an alliance was formed between NASCAR Sprint Cup teams Stewart-Haas Racing and Tommy Baldwin Racing in which the Stewart-Haas #10 car driven by Danica Patrick, who is set to make her Sprint Cup Series debut in the Daytona 500, purchased the drivers points of Tommy Baldwin’s #36 car driven by Cup Series veteran Dave Blaney. 

This acquisition was key for Patrick and Stewart-Haas Racing as Baldwin’s #36 ride was in the top 35 in points last season and this mean’s Patrick is locked into the Daytona 500 no matter what and doesn’t have to rely on qualifying speed or racing her way into the race via the qualifying races the Thursday before the 500. 

This also means that unfortunately Dave Blaney could be screwed. Blaney did an yeoman’s job last season driving Baldwin’s underfunded car and keeping it in the top 35 in points and now his earned spot in the Daytona 500, the sport’s Super Bowl, has been stripped from him to give the sport’s new “Golden Girl” a free spot in the race. 

Sure, Blaney could very likely still make the Daytona 500 via qualifying speed or the qualifying race, but it’s basically now a crapshoot for him when he previously didn’t have anything to worry about. 

This is how Danica Patrick has always gotten by and it, along with her attitude, is why I’ve never cared for her. She’s always been given stuff because she’s a female, she’s attractive and she’s a sponsor’s dream. Meanwhile, a vet like Blaney who’s never been given anything in the sport and has earned everything is screwed in favor of her. That’s not the way things should work in NASCAR.  That’s not the way things should work in life.

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