Monday, February 13, 2012

Golf is Boring? Then Don't F***ing Watch It (And Leave Me Alone)

While at work yesterday I was attempting to watch as much of Phil Mickelson’s victory at Pebble Beach as I could on a TV that sits on the far side of the room. During the afternoon I was told by three different co-workers how boring the sport was and usually asked, “How can you watch golf?” It’s a statement that I’ve heard and question that I’ve been asked many times in my life, especially in the last few years. Almost every response included the phrase: “I’d rather watch paint dry.” My typical response to that is, “well, than go watch paint dry.”

When someone tells me that golf is boring I always ask them why. They never seem to be able to tell me why they think it’s boring. Most times their answer is the very vague and ignorant, “it just is.” If you can’t tell somebody why you don’t like it or why you find it boring than it generally means that you have zero clue about what you’re talking about.

I happen to find the sport of golf incredibly exciting and it’s frankly hard for me to believe anybody who paid attention to Mickelson’s huge comeback and win yesterday at Pebble Beach could think otherwise. You have your opinions and there perfectly fine with me, but I’m sick of hearing your opinions on how boring this sport that I like is. If you find golf boring than you don’t have to watch it, but don’t act offended by the fact that I do. Once again, that’s very ignorant.   

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