Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Is Race Playing Factor in Who People Are Rooting for in Super Bowl?

I believe this is going to be the most controversial thing I’ve ever written on sports, and it might not even be close, and that’s probably saying something. And, I want to preface it by saying that this is just a theory I have. I do not have stone cold hard facts to back it up. I don’t have evidence to support it. It’s just my opinion of what I’m seeing.

The Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the defending champion Seattle Seahawks is just a few days away and I’ve been asking people all week who they want to win the big game – not who they think will win – but who they want to win. The majority of these people have been saying the Patriots and have followed it up with reasons why they don’t like the Seahawks and those reasons always start with Richard Sherman, whom they never seem to mention by his full name, to these fans he’s just “Sherman” like some nefarious Marvel villain. 

The fact that these people are overwhelmingly rooting for the Patriots is interesting to me, because for the last decade-plus the Patriots have largely been the most hated team in the NFL, and one I’ve had to defend multiple times. Part of the reason the Patriots have seemingly been the most hated team in the NFL is they have this aura of cheating that surrounds them, and that has reared its ugly head recently with “Deflate-gate.” I’ve found that the Pats aren’t necessarily a team many of these people rooting for them to win the Super Bowl are wanting to root for – many have said they’re merely rooting for the lesser of two evils. That makes me wonder how a team that has multiple times been accused of cheating and people have largely despised for running roughshod over the AFC for more than a decade is the “lesser of two evils” over a Seahawks team, that I personally find the most enjoyable team in the NFL to watch and the only knock you could possibly find against them is they are the defending champs and some people don’t like to see the same team win in multiple seasons, for whatever reason that might be. 

They bring up Sherman, but is his brashness really any different than the arrogance exhibited by Patriots star tight end Rob Gronkowski or really the Pats team overall? You’d have to ask yourself if black brashness (or arrogance if you’d prefer) is viewed differently than white brashness and I think it is. 

It then occurred to me why some of these people might be rooting for the Pats over the Seahawks. The Patriots biggest stars are Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski and arguably Julian Edelman. The Seahawks biggest stars are Richard Sherman, Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch. The Patriots are a largely white football team. I don’t know what percentage of the team is white, and frankly it doesn’t really matter, but they seem like the whitest team in the league. Whereas the Seahawks, you could argue, seem like the blackest team in the league. Can you even name one white star on the team?

Again, this doesn’t really matter or at least it shouldn’t, but I think it’s why a lot of people are rooting for the Patriots to beat the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Now, I’m not accusing these people of racism. No, I don’t believe they are racist at all. In fact, I believe that they don’t even realize this is playing a factor in their decision of which team to root for. I believe subconsciously they are choosing to root for the guys that look like them, without really thinking about it. We’ve seen recently in this country that there are racial issues, whether we want to believe it or not they exist, and frequently people will agree with or go with those who look like they do or believe the way they do.  

It’s controversial I know. Most people are likely going to think it asinine, I know. But, I think race is playing a certain role in who people are choosing to root for in this year’s Super Bowl. How else can you explain why so many are hoping America’s most hated team beats the Seahawks on Sunday?