Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Despite IOC, Costas to Properly Memorialize Munich Massacre Victims

The 2012 London Olympics mark the 40th anniversary of what is likely the most tragic and disturbing event in the history of the games and sports, in general. It marks the anniversary of the 1972 Munich Massacre in which 11 Israeli athletes at coaches died at the hands of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. 

Despite the anniversary the International Olympic Committee (or IOC) has repeatedly said that they have no plans to pay tribute to the murdered Israeli athletes, which has angered many around the world, especially those in Israel.

I think the decision by the IOC shows a distinct lack of class on their part, but they don’t want to play politics and potentially anger other nations. However, I’m happy to say that NBC Sports anchor Bob Costas doesn’t give a damn about what the IOC has to say on the subject. Costas has told media outlets that he plans to honor the fallen athletes and coaches from 40 years ago with an on-air tribute during Friday night’s Opening Ceremonies on NBC Sports with a moment of silence. Not only will Costas memorialize the Israeli athletes, but he said he also intends to note the “baffling denial” by the IOC during the event.

I’ve always given Bob Costas a hard time in the past, because I’ve often felt like he thinks he’s the show more so than the sporting events that he covers. However, I’ve got to say that I’m very pleased with his intentions for the Opening Ceremonies. The IOC has chosen to do the wrong thing, in my opinion, and Costas is doing his little part to right that. Good for him because the tragedy that occurred in Munich in 1972 is something that should never be forgotten for if it is it might repeat itself.  

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