Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gary Carter Jersey Dude Creates Sports Fan Moment of a Lifetime

Typically I come down hard on sports fans that run out onto the field of play because in the past we’ve seen incredibly dangerous events happen when drunken fans leave the stands. When most fans run onto the field or court at sporting events they tend to get what they deserve when they’re either tackled or tazed by security guards and then subsequently are arrested.

However, as New York Mets pitcher Johan Santana completed his no-hitter against the St. Louis Cardinals on Friday night, the first no-hitter in the 51 year history of the franchise, I found myself OK with a fan running out on the field. Once the final out was made in the no-no a guy who even though his name is now out there I will only refer to as Gary Carter Jersey Dude, because to me he truly represents the entire Mets fan base, ran out to the middle of the diamond to take part in the celebration with Santana and his Mets teammates.

Gary Carter Jersey Dude was like any true Mets fan, desperate to see the wonderful act of a no-hitter finally be completed by his favorite team after 51 years, and obviously couldn’t contain himself as he sprinted from the stands to get into the fray. In fact, if you look at photos and watch videos from the celebration, Gary Carter Jersey Dude was so excited by the moment of Mets history that he beat almost every one of the Mets players and coaches to the mound during the celebration. For what most have been a few wonderfully joyous moments Gary Carter Jersey Dude was in the middle of it all standing shoulder to shoulder with guys like David Wright, R.A. Dickey and Andres Torres (can anybody currently name any other active Mets by the way?) in congratulating Santana before being brutally taken to the ground by multiple security personnel.

Those few moments will be remembered forever by Gary Carter Jersey Dude and might in fact be the most memorable moments of his lifetime. For that it must surely be worth it, even though the guy spent more than a day in jail charged with trespassing, missed his son’s first birthday (any true sports fan would sacrifice their kid’s first birthday for such a celebration though) and has reportedly been banned from Citi Field forever.

Now I don’t want this to sound like I condone running out in the middle of sporting events, because as I previously mentioned, I certainly don’t … but for Gary Carter Jersey Dude I’ve gotta admit it was pretty damn cool.  

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