Monday, May 7, 2012

2012 NASCAR Boring Because of Lack of Passing, Not Lack of Wrecking

Three-time NASCAR Sprint Cup champion Tony Stewart went on a sarcastic rant during a post race press conference at Talladega on Sunday in which he basically insinuated that all NASCAR fans want to see are wrecks, after numerous complaints from fans about boring racing this season, which, for some really unexplained reason has seen fewer wrecks and cautions. 

Now, it is true that some fans of NASCAR really do enjoy seeing wrecks and that’s what they tune in for. I don’t think that those fans are true fans of the sport or motorsports, in general. But, I also think Stewart is being a somewhat of a jerk in this situation, because the racing this season honestly has been boring. 

It hasn’t been boring because of the lack of wrecks, though; it’s been boring because of the lack of close and side-by-side racing. Nobody wants to see the leader have a 10 second lead over second place or win a race by multiple seconds over second place. 

It seems like we’re getting a lot of single file, little passing for the lead racing this season in NASCAR and that is racing at its most boring. If NASCAR fans really wanted to see follow the lead racing then they probably would’ve tuned into Formula 1 racing many years ago.

NASCAR is known for side-by-side, close quarters racing with beating and banging, which I may add can be done without wrecking, but hasn’t seen much of that this year. It really boils down to the lack of actual passing this season rather than the lack of wrecks that has made NASCAR boring. 

Fans who want to see wrecks are wrong and idiotic, but Stewart insinuating that that’s all us fans wants to see is just as wrong and idiotic.   

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