Monday, April 9, 2012

Hogs Fans Ignorant to Back Bobby Petrino

Most sports fans (and do note that I said “most” and not “all”) can never be objective about their favorite sports teams and at times this leads to extreme ignorance. This is something that is in full display right now among most fans of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks football program during the current Bobby Petrino scandal. Just hours after University of Arkansas athletic director Jeff Long announced that Petrino was being put on paid administrative leave a local television network poll here in Arkansas showed that 76 percent of Arkansans were 100 percent behind Petrino. Arkansas fans don’t care what their football coach is doing if he’s winning ball games and Petrino has done a lot of winning since joining the team in 2008, after he cowardly quit on the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL.

I said on both my Facebook and Twitter accounts on Thursday night that “I swear the head coach of the Razorbacks could rape and kill babies and puppies and most Hogs fans would still be 100 percent behind him” and I stand by that. That doesn’t put a good image on fans of the Razorbacks or sports fans in general, but the sad thing is sports fans don’t care. The win-loss column is all that matters to them. Fans around here don’t even have enough sense to care about the fact that Petrino looked into cameras at a press conference and lied right to their faces. If they don’t have enough sense to be offended about their leader lying to them than I don’t believe there is anything that can save them. Coach Petrino did two separate things that should get him fired. He participated in an affair with an employee that he recently hired and more importantly he lied about the affair to his boss, his fans and the media. Bobby Petrino should be fired and if he isn’t athletic director Jeff Long isn’t adequately doing his job and if you have a problem with that open your damn eyes and stop being so hyper fanatic toward “your” team.  

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