Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why I Feel Bad for the Houston Texans ...

I don’t typically feel bad for sports teams. There’s very rarely any reason to feel bad for them as they mostly make their own destiny through winning, losing, good and bad decisions and the like. However, as we’re on the verge of the NFL Playoffs I can’t help but feel really bad for one franchise … and that’s the Houston Texans.

For 10 years that franchise has struggled through many bad seasons, only posting a winning record prior to this season in 2009, and has never made a trip to the playoffs. This season they were set up to own their division thanks to a Peyton Manning-less Indianapolis Colts and a weak Tennessee Titans and Jacksonville Jaguars teams, and they did. They posted their first division title with a 10-6 record and it was made all the more impressive by the fact that they were without their best defensive player Mario Williams for most of the year, their best receiver (and maybe the NFL’s best receiver) Andre Johnson for most of the year and their star quarterback (and a vastly underrated one at that) Matt Schaub for a good portion of the season to end the season. 

The Texans with all their pieces together would’ve been a threat to win the AFC and I’m not joking in the least when I say that. And, that’s why I feel bad for this team. They’ve waited 10 years for this moment and they finally get there and could’ve really done something and they stand absolutely no chance of going deep into the playoffs, in fact, they very likely will lose to the Cincinnati Bengals in the first round this weekend. That absolutely sucks.   


  1. Im hurting just for that fact,but all I can do is hope.

  2. Well, they got past the Bengals fairly easily ... I still don't see them going deep into the playoffs, but that playoff win has got to be sweet for that franchise and its fans.
