Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Chris Johnson Screwed Over My Fantasy Team Before the Season Even Started

There are a lot of players in the NFL that I don’t care much for … most of the players that I don’t like have always been of the Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson, Randy Moss nature because I feel like they talk too much and think of themselves first and their team second.

Then you have guys like Mike Vick who I don’t like for things they’ve done off the field.

Well, last week a new player joined my list of NFL stars that I can’t stand and for a different reason, one that probably shows a little selfishness on my part.

That player is Tennessee Titans star running back Chris Johnson, who last week finally ended his preseason long hold out when he and the Titans agreed to a new deal.

You see a few weeks ago my Yahoo Sports fantasy football league held its draft. I had a middle pick in the first round of the draft and figured that I’d select Johnson in hopes that he could maybe have another MVP type season. I took him knowing that he was holding out, but players hold out all of the time and I figured it wasn’t serious.

Well, then I started hearing that it was getting pretty serious and that it seemed more and more likely that Johnson would at least miss a few games. It finally looked so bleak that I offered Johnson up to another competitor in the league for Dallas Cowboys running back Felix Jones, despite Johnson being ranked much higher. I figured a decent back like Jones would be better than nothing and that the other guy would be the one taking on the risk.

A week after I completed that fantasy trade, Johnson finally ended the hold out. Sure, it turns out that I probably worried far too much and ended up making a bad trade that essentially waste my first round draft pick and could severely hurt my chances to win the league. However, it’s a deal I feel Johnson forced me into … so I sure won’t be rooting for his success this season.

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